Then I read through the reviews and found an interesting an idea - substitute the vegetable oil for a cup of applesauce! Crunching the numbers as I like to do, adding a cup of oil is almost 2,000 calories whereas a cup of applesauce is around 100. Which means if the cake is cut up into 24 servings this would save almost 80 calories a piece! Well, I had some cinnamon applesauce in the fridge so I thought what the heck, let's give it a go. And the results were fairly amazing...
Quick & Dirty
- Obviously as mentioned above, substituted the cup of vegetable oil for cinnamon applesauce
- Since we saved all those calories...I didn't feel as guilty breaking up the cake on top of some vanilla ice cream and drizzling caramel sauce on top. This is definitely the recommended way of eating this cake.
- This cake is very dense and has an almost fudgy brownie-like consistency which personally I love
- I'm sure this recipe would make great cupcakes and the addition of a light frosting would probably elevate it to a whole other level
- Another thing to note is the cake is egg-free in case anyone has allergies out there
- I was greedy and kept this cake all to myself instead of sharing and sadly I didn't make it through the whole thing before it went bad...I definitely learned my lesson there!
- I tried making a homemade caramel sauce to drizzle on top but ended up burning it...guess it's not as easy as they make it look on TV